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Volume pricing starts at 200,000 units/ month. For lower volumes, check our standard pricing

Thank you for your interest in Plivo.
Unfortunately, based on the information you provided, we are unable to provide service at this time.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding.

Thanks for your interest in Plivo. We have two account options available to meet customers’ varying needs:

  • Self-service: no commitment, standard pricing, free basic support.
  • Committed spend agreement: guided implementation, premium support options, and discounted rates. These packages involve an annual contract starting at $750 a month.
Based on the information that you provided, a self-service account seems like the right fit for your business. Use the links below to get started:
If you’d like to discuss a committed spend agreement, please provide us a bit more information by filling out this form.
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